
Drawing and photography are central to my practice. Both make pressing - if sometimes fictitious - claims to the capture of lost moments.



Cool weather, but definitely spring - I've been working like crazy in the garden lately - I mean the really heavy stuff of digging out established shrubs that died over the harsh winter, carrying compost, clearing away so many dead branches, pruning radically. I really don't know very much about gardening, but it's good exercise, and a great activity for seeing outcomes!
Brown and black indian ink (new paintbrushes) and brush markers in Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook.

Urban Expressionism


Bloody hell... (à la recherche 21)

Early days yet of experiments with graphic tablet, and I still haven't remotely got the hang of it - would take me a quarter the time to do a freehand drawing. Why bother? Not quite sure - I trust in the inspirational capacities of changing the variables, I love technology, I love drawing - why not bring all those things together? Hmmm....

Digital drawing.

À la recherche, 20 (sepia)

Indian ink wash and brush markers in Canson Montval sketchbook

For Carole

Digital drawing