
Drawing and photography are central to my practice. Both make pressing - if sometimes fictitious - claims to the capture of lost moments.


On the glass table

Brush marker and pencil crayon, with a touch of black ink pen in Moleskine sketchbook.

These four shells and the telephone were among the clutter on my glass desktop. I started the drawing using a black contour liner for the phone, and then decided that wasn't what I wanted to use after all, so it's a bit of a mish-mash.


Today it's just a doodle

Ink pen, pencil, watercolour and brush markers in Windsor and Newton sketchbook

Not in the mood for much more than some desultory scribbles through the day. 


The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady

Brush markers in small Moleskine sketchbook

I'm beginning to feel like her... the Edwardian lady, Edith Holden. Except not as good. I can't stop with the garden already. The top two drawings done from photographs I was filing away today. Really messed one page up so stuck some Japanese craft paper on it and carried on drawing. The bottom two done quickly in the garden. 


Fresh: his and hers

Brush markers in Moleskine sketchbook

You've got to be really quick sketching the ready meal if you want to eat it hot. I scribbled in the pattern of the plate (looks like sloppy crochet) and the place mat afterwards. In this house, rule of thumb is: if one of us likes an item of food, the other doesn't. Makes for good communal eating.


Red Robin and Baggesen's Gold

OK. It's happened. I missed a day. In fact, I had to let it happen or my obsessive personality would go into overdrive. Yesterday I was busy all day writing a catalogue text, and then I had chores and more chores to do. I didn't want drawing in my sketchbook and posting on the blog to become one of those chores. I've been thinking that blogging is a bit like standing on a hilltop and shouting that you're going on diet, or giving up smoking. Then everyone knows, and you can't go back on your word. But I've broken the spell, so now I feel a bit freer. I went back into the garden with my drawing gear this morning. 

Brush markers and watercolour in Windsor and Newton sketchbook


Lilac and sambucus on the deck

Ink pen and brush marker and watercolour in Windsor and Newton sketchbook.

The smell of the lilac is heavenly. The lonicera at the back, though fragrantissima, is, like the lacy sambucus, still only stretching and yawning. (Yes, I know the Jewish response: "what, now you're a gardener?")