
Drawing and photography are central to my practice. Both make pressing - if sometimes fictitious - claims to the capture of lost moments.


Kontakthof: komm tanz mit mir

All in pencil and pencil crayon in Moleskine sketchbook.

I made these drawings while watching Pina Bausch's Kontakthof at the Barbican yesterday. There are now two versions, one with teenagers, the other with people over 65. I saw the teenagers: wanted to stay on for the other, but wouldn't have been able to get home afterwards. I had to draw very quickly and half in the dark to capture the movement and the mood.

Pina Bausch mesmerisingly portrays the dynamics of men and women trying to make contact at a social event, the preening, the self doubt, the small vanities, the insecurities. I don't know any other choreographer who so heartbreakingly captures and uses the tiniest and most revealing gestures from our daily lives - things as insignificant as fixing an uncomfortable bra strap or checking to see if there isn't spinach stuck between one's teeth. Most poignantly, the piece showed the way tenderness and cruelty are intertwined in people's longing for love and yet desire to thwart it. 

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