
Drawing and photography are central to my practice. Both make pressing - if sometimes fictitious - claims to the capture of lost moments.


Reading/tulips: all that is shared, all that is gone

I took these photographs - as of many more bunches of tulips that we kept from sappiness to disintegration - in March-April 2006. The text is from Candia McWilliam's memoir, What to Look for in Winter: A Memoir in Blindness, and I came to this bit today.
"We both like tulips to be kept well up to their death in a vase, the water changed and the petals collected, all for the beauty of it. I do it still now, although with my eyes shut up, my observation of the process is more like stills by Eadweard Muybridge than running cine film. There are a treeful, a forestful, of these habits budding, grown, fallen, lying in a marriage. Plenty of them irk others yet make the thing that cannot be replaced. They are a language in themselves."


froy said...

Beautiful photos, Ruth. I do the same thing - for someone who experiences a lot through her eyes I suppose it is almost inevitable, as long as one's housemates aren't too irritated by the drawn out decay!
How are you finding the book?

Unknown said...

The book is astonishing, Ea - thank you for your wonderful email - will respond soon!