
Drawing and photography are central to my practice. Both make pressing - if sometimes fictitious - claims to the capture of lost moments.


sleeping, dreaming

'... when we sleep, severed from the world, straying into the deep introversion, on a return journey into ourselves, we can see clearly through our closed eyelids, because thoughts are kindled in us by internal tapers and smoulder erratically. This is how total regressions occur, retreats into self, journeys to the roots. This is how we branch out into anamnesis and are shaken by underground subcutaneous shivers. For it is only above ground, in the light of day, that we are a trembling, articulate bundle of tunes; in the depth we disintegrate again into black murmurs, confused purring, a multitude of unfinished stories.'

Bruno Schulz, Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass

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